Language classes in Raffles World Academy
Mother Tongue Programmes at RWA
We are glad to inform you that Russian, Hindi, Italian, Spanish Mother Tongue courses are resuming next year face-to-face on campus while we are also planning to introduce new Languages.
The classes shall be offered either inside school hours during Islamic studies or after school. The choice will depend on the number of interested students, grade sections, students´ level, and on their ability to miss Islamic studies classes. A minimum number of students is required to start a batch (the batches are formed considering the kids´ age and level).
The schedule for after-school classes will be formed based on the parents´ replies and confirmed closer to the starting dates. The start of each batch will be confirmed individually on getting enough inquiries for the same.
The F.A.Q. can be found here
Kindly complete the form below to sign up for the program.