Language classes in Sunmarke School
Language courses at Sunmarke School 2022-2023
We are glad to inform you that Language classes can now resume face-to-face on campus. Languages that we offer: Chinese Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and others.
We are a Language training center providing high-quality Language instruction for more than 10 years. We are currently working with 18 Dubai schools.
The classes shall be offered after school at 4.00pm once a week on Thursdays (if the day does not suit you, we can try to change the schedule). The batches are formed considering the kids´ age and level (a minimum number of students is required to start a batch). The price per 60min session is 115AED, charged on a termly basis.
Kindly complete the form below if you are interested in enrolling your child (please fill in a separate form for each child/language).